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Humber carsHumber cars made since 1900

Humber cars made since 1900. Click on a model name to see the technical specifications, pictures, rating, discussions, reviews, etc. You can also sell or buy these cars through our efficient Free Car Classifieds.

Please tell us about any models not included, preferably with specifications. We would also be greateful for submission of photos where such are missing. You can get your car and name on CarsPlusPlus. Spes and pictures on Cars++, will stay free to everybody.

Humber car models YearPicture
Humber Sceptre1976Submit a picture
Humber Sceptre1974Submit a picture
Humber Sceptre1973Submit a picture
Humber Sceptre1972Submit a picture
Humber Sceptre1971Yes
Humber Sceptre1970Yes
Humber Sceptre1969Yes
Humber Sceptre1968Yes
Humber Sceptre1967Submit a picture
Humber Sceptre1965Submit a picture
Humber Super Snipe V1964Submit a picture
Humber Sceptre1963Submit a picture
Humber Hawk III1962Submit a picture
Humber Hawk II1960Submit a picture
Humber Super Snipe III1960Submit a picture
Humber Super Snipe1959Submit a picture
Humber Super Snipe1956Submit a picture
Humber Super Snipe IV1955Submit a picture
Humber Hawk Mark VI1954Submit a picture
Humber Super Snipe1954Submit a picture
Humber Pullman1953Submit a picture
Humber Super Snipe1953Submit a picture
Humber Super Snipe1952Submit a picture
Humber Pullman Mk III1951Submit a picture
Humber Hawk1948Submit a picture
Humber Pullman1948Yes
Humber Super Snipe1948Submit a picture
Humber Imperial1938Submit a picture
Humber Snipe1938Submit a picture
Humber Super Snipe1938Submit a picture
Humber Pullman1936Submit a picture
Humber 6/501929Submit a picture
Humber 9/281929Submit a picture
All Humber cars shown on this page.

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