Contact CarsPlusPlusBefore posting your inquiry, please read quickly these frequently asked questions:
How do I cancel or edit my car classifieds ad?
We sent you an e-mail with links to cancel, edit or renew your ad. If you have lost this e-mail, you should show the page with the ad. Send a reply messages to yourself. The e-mail you get, includes a link to cancel the ad. Clicking it is enough. Reenter the ad if you want other information shown.
Where can I get parts or repair manuals for my car?
CarsPlusPlus does not sell parts, and at this point we do not have classifieds for parts. We suggest use the general discussion groups or the discussion group for your particular car. You can also contact the local dealer of your car brand. They are very likely to be able to help you with your inquiry. As for vintage cars with no dealers in your area, veteran clubs usually know their way around.
What parts, oil, etc. should I use with my car?
You should post a question at the general discussion groups or the discussion group for your particular car.
My question is USA-specific.
CarsPlusPlus is based in Norway, so it is unlikely that we can help you with USA-specific questions like which dealer is selling BMW parts in Idaho, etc. Use our discussion forums to ask such questions.
This particluar car is not in your catalog.
We allow visitors to submit specifications for cars we do not already have in our database. Cars++ would very much like to display all cars of all time, and we wish to thank in advance anyone who will help us contribute to this when the new solution is released.