74 AMC Matador X Coupe discussion forum:
Bad car
Bad car  |
Entered by | Bill Board  |
Date | 2011-05-31 02:12:06  |
I was 16, just got my license and picked up a 74 X in 1978 for the whopping price of $275 from a dealer who was getting readdy to dump it at the bone yard it was so bad. It had a different shape, but it was just another big piece of metal American car companies were dumping on the market of the 70\\\´s. The stripe got me, I thought instant babe magnet since I couldn\\\´t afford a Grand Torino with a stripe. I also put some lettered tires, stereo, and CB in it. Then the fixing started. I spent most of the end of my youth under the hood or the bottom of that thing. It was pure rambling garbage. By the time I graduated 2 years later it was a completely devistated piece of junk. But it ran. They vinyl top had shredded, the paint faded, and I would say that 70% of it had rusted out and I had patched it with sheet metal, bondo, and fiberglass. A big chunk of the passenger door rusted away that I couldn\\\´t get covered so it stayed open to air. Every seat on the inside had cracked apart and torn. I did learn an awul lot about mechanics of cars though. I think over those two years I rebuilt that thing, and it still kept breaking down. I remember after I graduated I drove it out to the country to the junkyard under a big blue cloud of exhaust sadly said goodbye and got $20 for it. Two days later I was in basic training.  |
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