10 GMC Savana Cargo Van G1500 Regular AWD rating
Engine performance, reliability, safety, design, etc. rated by drivers
| Below is the drivers' rating of the 10 GMC Savana Cargo Van G1500 Regular AWD car. Buying a car begins at
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| Overall rating: (Details below) | 2010 GMC Savana Cargo Van G1500 Regular AWD 63.7 Average for cargo vans 60.4 Average for all cars 59.6 |
| Detailed rating |
| Driving experience: | 60.0 60.7 61.5 | Reliability and problem-free driving: | 66.7 59.7 58.7 | Safety features and low accident risk: (excellent= low risk) | 63.3 59.5 58.2 | Engine performance: | 66.7 61.8 60.3 | City usage capabilities: | 56.7 57.7 57.8 | Long distance driving capabilities: | 66.7 61.3 60.4 | Bad road and snow capabilties: | 63.3 58.1 56.7 | Exterior design and look: | 66.7 61.1 61.5 | Interior, comfort and instrumentation: | 63.3 62.0 60.6 | Value for money including usage: (total economy) | 63.3 61.4 60.2 | Bar explanation | 2010 GMC Savana Cargo Van G1500 Regular AWD Average for cargo vans Average for all cars |
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