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Car specs, images and ratings Renault Vivaquatre 1935

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1935 Renault Vivaquatre

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General information
Model: Vivaquatre
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Main features, safety and ecconomy
Engine size:2120 ccm (129.36 cubic inches)
Engine and transmission
Displacement:2120 ccm (129.36 cubic inches)
Engine type:Inline, 4 cylinder
Max power:35.00 PS (26 kW or 35 HP) at 2900 Rev. per min.
Valves per cylinder:2
Speed and acceleration
Power/weight ratio:0.0280 PS/kg
Exterior and interior
Passenger space:5230 litres (1,382 gallons)
Steering, brakes and tires
Dimensions and weight
Weight:1250 kg (2,755.8 pounds)
Overall length:4610 mm (181.5 inches)
Overall width:1810 mm (71.3 inches)
Wheelbase:2920 mm (115.0 inches)
Other specifications
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